Keyne Kanines

Sports dog training

Dog Agility

Agility is a fun sport where you guide your dog around a course of various obstacles.

I am able to offer both group and 1 to 1 classes from complete beginner up to competition level.  We take dogs from 10 months old for foundation agility.


Flyball is a fast and furious team sport. It's a relay race where you send your dog over 4 jumps to collect a ball and return over the jumps. We take dogs from 12 months.

We are part of Antics flyball team.

We train weekly and are always happy to welcome new members


Hoopers is a newer sport to hit the uk, and I am excited to be able to offer in Milton Keynes.

You guide your dog around a course made up of hoops, large diameter tunnels and barrels.

I am passionate that hoopers is accessible to every dog and every person.

Fun and fast we have classes for complete beginners up to competition standard

Dog Parkour

Dog parkour is a fun activity where your dog interacts with every day objects in your enviroment. Walks will never be the same again. Parkour is suitable for any age dog.

I offer introductory workshops.



We run six week puppy course for pups under 20 weeks on the 1st day of the course. Our aim is to help you build a strong relationship and to a confident puppy with fun games based training.





Trick training

I love trick training, its great for confidence building and learning. Lots of tricks are useful in sports as well. I offer short courses as well as workshops.


I run regular workshops both with guest instuctors and myself.

Some of the recent workshops include distance agility, Hoopers, tricks and sports taster sessions. 

Currently have workshops planned in Agility, Hoopers, NADAC and Man trailing